Getting started with .htaccess for WordPress

This weekend I gave a talk on using .htaccess files with WordPress at WordCamp Toronto: Developers 2012… An introduction on how to configure your .htaccess file to do more than what WordPress provides by default. The talk will cover basics like setting up a preferred URL, and redirecting old page URLs for better SEO. How …

Multilingual billing… what are your options?

I work and build websites in Quebec where I’m required to provide invoices in French as the default. This is perfect for my French-speaking clients.  But many of my English-speaking clients prefer English invoices. This means that I need a multilingual billing system. Many billing systems claim to be multilingual, when they are really unilingual …

Bilingual eCommerce… what are your options?

This week I was contacted by a potential client. They wanted a WordPress based eCommerce site. But there was a catch. They wanted it to be bilingual. It’s tough to find a content management system that does bilingual well. It’s even more difficult when you add eCommerce to the mix. In Quebec (where I build …

The future is mobile: Part II

This is the second part of a two-part series on designing for mobile. Today, I’m going to cover SEO, server-side tweaks, and conditional tags. I’ll also look at how to deal with javascript and multimedia. I’ll be posting a short follow-up on accessibility soon. Check back for more.

The future is mobile – Part I

Last weekend I gave a presentation at WordCamp Montreal 2011 on developing for the mobile Web. The talk covered some easy online tools, and WordPress-specific themes and plugins that require no coding. Then I offered my own solution. Designing for mobile can be tough because you are designing for so many different devices, screen sizes, …


chronicle [ˈkrɒnɪkəl] n a record or register of events in chronological order vb (tr) to record in or as if in a chronicle [from Anglo-French cronicle, via Latin chronica (pl), from Greek khronika annals, from khronikos relating to time; see chronic] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003