V.2 Oooh, Shiny! All the New CSS Toys for WordPress Theme Development

This weekend I gave an updated version of my talk on new CSS modules at WordCamp Montréal 2017. This talk is similar to the previous version, but with updated statistics, and Canada-specific statistics added. Below is my talk description. Check out all newest things that CSS can bring to WordPress theme development: CSS Filters, Feature …

Oooh, Shiny! All the new CSS toys for WordPress Theme Development

This weekend I was lucky enough to give a talk at WordCamp Ottawa 2017. It was a lot of fun, and I thought I’d share my slides with everyone who couldn’t be there. Below is my talk description. Check out all newest things that CSS can bring to WordPress theme development: CSS Filters, Feature Queries, …

Big in Japan : A guide to WordPress theme internationalization

You’ve just built a great theme, but how can you get more people to use it? All the steps you’ll need to follow to get your brand new theme internationalized and localized. If gettext, Poedit, POT files GlotPress, all seem like a foreign language to you, this session will change that. These are the slides …

The future is mobile: Part II

This is the second part of a two-part series on designing for mobile. Today, I’m going to cover SEO, server-side tweaks, and conditional tags. I’ll also look at how to deal with javascript and multimedia. I’ll be posting a short follow-up on accessibility soon. Check back for more.

The future is mobile – Part I

Last weekend I gave a presentation at WordCamp Montreal 2011 on developing for the mobile Web. The talk covered some easy online tools, and WordPress-specific themes and plugins that require no coding. Then I offered my own solution. Designing for mobile can be tough because you are designing for so many different devices, screen sizes, …